A place of our own

Daily Prompt:Fast-forward  If you could fast forward to a specific date in the future, when would it be?
There is no doubt in my mind that if I could fast forward to the day that my partner and I are moved in to our house. Don’t get me wrong. I love living here with his parents, but I have been desiring a place of our own for months now. To be able to paint and design each room to our likings, to be able to keep only the best things in the kitchen, and to be able to have a place that we have worked very hard for to call our own. Our own place, It has a ring to it, doesn’t it? I have been trying to map out this for weeks. 3-5 bedrooms (depending if we are deciding to have children one day) (bedrooms include: an entertainment room & an exercise room); 2 bathrooms;  a living room; a decent kitchen; a dinning room. I don’t have the minor details sorted out, but I still have a couple years. (:

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